At the end of the war during the summer he returns to Turin in his new studio in Via Palmieri 23 and starts the frescos again:
- In the Church of Borgonovo of Chiavari (he continues the cycle started in 1943);
- In the Church of Benevagenna (a series of 5 large paintings);-
In the Parish Church of La Loggia in Moncalieri near Turin (he starts a new long cycle which he will finish in 1963).
Individual exhibit in Bra (Cuneo).


In the Church of Bricco di Neive in the Langhe area he paints the fresco “The Assumption”.
Views of the surroundings of Turin (oil on canvas, wood or cardboard).
Long stay in Venice to paint views of the city.


- Church of Borgonovo of Chiavari (3 new paintings);
- Basilica of Trebaseleghe near Padua (a new cycle which he will end the following year).
- 2 large panels (oil on canvas) based on a sketch by Giacomo Grosso for the composition “Homage to Beauty” which the Master had left unfinished.
Restoration of paintings in the Church of the Annunziata in Genoa.


He finishes his works in the Basilica of Trebaseleghe with two Stations of the Cross.
In the Medieval Castle in Turin he
Paints two circular medals in the Chapel;
Restores the fresco of Saint George.
In the Corpus Domini Church in Turin: “The Four Virtues” and three medals (frescoed).
Views along the banks of the Po River and in the mountains of Bardonecchia.
In October he moves in his new study in Via Lessona 11.


The painting of Saint Catherine Labourè for the Alfieri-Carrù Institute in Turin.
Long stay in Finale Ligure to paint views.
Paintings in his studio: still natures, flowers, and figures for his Individual Exhibit at the Artists’ Association in Turin.